Report: Day 2-9#

This week, I barely got anything done. I had big plans—wanted to make progress on my game, add new mechanics, or at least study Japanese—but none of it happened.

Most of my time went into fixing an issue on my Arch Linux. On boot, I kept getting the error:

“Failed to start Nvidia-Persistenced Daemon.”

This also caused Xorg to break. I tried everything—reinstalling nvidia-utils, nvidia-settings, switching kernels—but nothing worked. The only real fix I found was reinstalling the linux-lts kernel, which turned out to be slightly mismatched in version. After that, everything was back to normal. A small win, but it cost me too much time.

Despite that, I tried to getting with JPN learning. I’m getting comfortable with Hiragana and Katakana, and I plan to take the JLPT in the future. If everything goes well with game development, I’d like to move to Japan someday.

Next week, I’m planning to participate in a game jam. Whether I actually finish something or spend all my time debugging is another question, but I’ll see how it goes. Wish me luck.

See ya!
