Report Day 12-15#

Tried to work with a team of people on the GameJam. I took responsobilities as an artist but it all went shitty. If someone who worked with me on that reads it, I’m really sorry.

After almost two spent days in Krita i came to the conlussion that mouse is a bad tool to draw. So, i order some small Graphical Tablet. Will be trying myself in that field. You could check my results -> here

Also, wanted to share what i am currently studying.

  • LÖVE2D as a framework, and LUA as a language. (I hope to make it my main tool. Zero engines! (also, that’s a fucking amazing tutorial:
  • Practicing in Krita.
  • Making some small Visual Novels in Ren’Py.
  • Some music staff in Reaper.

Another three days to ass shesh